Simple Acts of Aloha

Living here in Los Angeles, I begin to see how the Aloha Spirit would REALLY help some of the road rage and other ailments that prey upon the psyche of here is a little peek inside the anatomy of Aloha. Wether you were married on Kaua'i or just LOVE anything is how to keep it close to you when you aren't sitting on the beach eating some pickled mango, and drinking some POG ( passion orange, guava juice).

1. When in traffic let someone in from the merge lane, it isn't going to kill you.

2. When being let into traffic or allowed to exit an alley or anywhere where someone is showing you some kindness WAVE and aknowledge..don't act like you EXPECT the world to give you everything.

3. Smile at someone, an old lady, a car passing by, a little kid in a stroller- open up your microcosm a bit and let the world around you in.

4. Be patient..Rome wasn't built in a day, you aren't always gonna get what you want when you want..get over it.

5.Think of someone else BEFORE yourself..don't block a walkway and talk on your aware there are others around you..if you have a million things in your cart and someone behind you has one let them go in front, the karma will do you good.


6. Leave a place BETTER then you found it...even if YOU didn't make the mess...imgaine how much better this planet would be? Pick up one peice of trash around're gonna throw yours away anyway.


After will feel the tradewinds even if you live in will smell the pikake leis even if you are on the east coast..try living aloha today, I promise you won't regret it.

Brook Lee