The Heart of the Dance

I was just inspired to write this after seeing some youtube footage of  Patrick Makuakane's Hula Halau and their GENIUS idea of "hit and run hula" meaning they travel all around their home town of San Fran, and spontaneously burst into a hula. And I guess the reason I am moved to write is because it is no surprise that the nation in general is in a slump these days and every one is feeling the financial pinch. No more so then Hawaii where tourism is still our top industry.  We all need to do what we can, to encourage people to visit the islands, and help tourism.

 I am pretty sure that isn't what Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu were doing..but it indirectly may just inspire a passerby to look into going to Hawaii and for that I am grateful. Please keep a look out for hit and run hula's and I hope other halau's ( hula schools)  all over the WORLD..are inspired to spread the spirit of Aloha one kaholo ( dance step) at a time.

For more information about the hit and run hula in San Francisco go to

Brook Lee