I get asked this A LOT..

I know it has been 12 years since I gave up the title of Miss Universe..but I still get asked what it was like during my year, where did I travel to during my year..what was it like to give up my title in my home state of Hawaii..and then every once and awhile I will get that REALLY curious pageant afficiando who asks WHAT DO YOU DO RIGHT AFTER YOU GIVE UP THE CROWN? Well this is what I did...I went to Lanai. No Joke. After being in Hawaii under intensive media scrutiny for a whirlwind two weeks leading up to relenquishing the title..I had hit the wall. But where was I supposed to go to get away when I was literally EVERYWHERE, on posters, in store windows on highlight reels on the evening news..where oh where could I go to get away from ALL OF IT?

Koele Lodge. It was that simple..I made a reservation, and the staff there was so considerate, and just instinctively knew I had smiled one too many smile and shook one too many hands..they met me at the hotel lobby and practically carried me to my room...I had such a fantastic time, just relaxing, walking the grounds, sitting by the large comfy fireplace in the lobby for hours just emptying my head. It was the recharge I needed. I loved it so much, I stayed an extra day...the food was superb, the staff so caring and professional, and the rooms..THE ROOMS were like heaven on earth a virtual cocoon of happiness.

Koele Lodge gives you a different feeling of the islands, an up country feel of scented trees, luscious golf courses, sprawling pastures with friendly horses nuzzling your hand for one more carrot...it is one of the best kept sanctuary secrets of Hawaii nei.

Brook Lee