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Well I guess I am back on the BLOG wagon...after almost a whole year Blogging had turned into BLAHgging as I was dreading having to come up with stuff to write  became like that dreaded essay that needed to be handed in by the end of the week...and by wednesday I was contemplating quitting 8th grade rather then write it..

BUT just like the 8th grade ( which I didn't quit) I am gonna plug on here is a recap of the last year till now...


My son is now 3- which by the way is the new terrible twos...

I am still waging a war against my post baby pounds..exacerbated by the looming Miss Universe appearance in August...

and I still miss Hawaii every single breathing day.


SO let's onward and upward to my favorite topic right now...HAWAII: mind you this is about to get POLLITICAL in nature so the weak of mind and heart should probably not read any further...


I have come out in support of two very important issues in Hawaii right now...and with the impending elections coming up, things are going to get heated.  Here is my heart felt and very public opinion of BOTH.


I am completely for them..I think if two people want to be is THEIR decision and the GOVERNMENT that GOVERNS them has a right to protect their rights EQUALLY with everyone else...if GOD has a problem with their union...he can take it up with THEM HIMSELF at the pearly gates...and in the mean time..they should be able to have their social security benefits and property rights protected and bequeathed to their significant others and children with the same EASE as everyone else.. I am tired of the argument that gets bandied around that same-sex couples can draw up papers to protect their property, health benefits etc...THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO....THAT'S WHAT EQUALITY MEANS.

I was born and raised Mormon, and though I no longer practice, and am FULLY aware on the stance of the LDS church as well as most other churches...this isn't a church issue...Churches do not OWN the right to marry...MANY people who don't  even BELIEVEin GOD get married by Justices of the Peace and I don't see churches rallying against THEM.....Equal is Equal and that is just the way I see it. 



Now I know that this is a sore subject...not many things that are dipped in pollitics that have to do with Hawaiians isn't...and this topic it seems is swirling at the piko ( or center) of it all. I believe in the Akaka bill...I have come out as a public supporter of the bill simply because it is the rules by which Hawaiians need to be ma'a ( or familiar with) in order to get ANYTHING done in the Federal System.  Hawaii is part of the United States...and as thus we should be recognized as an indigenous we have access to the same Federal support that Native American's and Native Alaskan's do. PERIOD.  A nation within a nation...soverignty all of it can't really happen without first being RECOGNIZED being at the proverbial table..

I am a member of the Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club...My parents and grandmother were all charter members of Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club, my father was a president of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs and my mother is STILL actively involved in all areas of the as you can see I have been immersed in the civic movement in  Hawaii since BIRTH....I have watched the Hawaiian movement grow and change over the decades..with all it's different complications..but I believe whole heartedly that the Akaka Bill is the first step to helping Hawaiians find their way into the 21st century. We are now a people spread far and wide...many of us do not even have the choice to live on the aina ( the land) anymore..and this bill will allow us all to be a more powerful hui (group) no matter where we physically are.


okay I am stepping off my Soapbox now.


Brook Lee