I'm Coming Out of Blogging Retirement!!!

Aloha Friends!

Sorry I have been so non-bloggy, but stand by. I have alot to say and will be posting soon. But for now, I will be spending the next week in lovely San Diego, Ca. What? Comic Con is next week? Yes, yes it is! While the Hubby does his nerdy duties, Me and the kids, yes kids, will be enjoying all that beautiful, sunny Southern California has to offer!!!

Mahalo for checking in!


ps. Maybe you should look up what channel REELZ is on, on your local cable provider? Maybe you'll get a special sneak peek of a certian former Miss Universe on the Miss USA telecast Sunday, July 12th from Baton Rouge, LA! You know, the state where I was crowned Miss USA WAAAYYYY back in 1997. ;)

Brook Lee